When the wide world was still
to be defined by a closed mouth
you’d gath­er to yourself
hours scattered
in the sun’s dry heat
wish­ing to prise the lips
of a sin­gle line open
              prise the flow of time apart

How deeply wrong were your movements
like a sleepwalker’s sleep­ing awake
sleep­walk­ing a wake—sleepworlding
the curved mir­ror of the page
touch­ing up the back­bone of stars

Poems grow in the dark, trace
the descent of sound
into silence

This is a song of silence

This is the sound of the bone
break­ing through the skin
of a slow waisting

This is the sound of your breath
last­ing through
like a mantra

Indi­go moon shade
white gardenias
sun bleached hair
the mid­night swell
surf sheer gossamer
mood violet
singing moth­er of pearl

No, it isn’t mere­ly the wind
whistling in your ears

            It is that far­away inside
your head—a whole world
drum­ming in time drumming
on some utter membrane
hold­ing yourself
             hold­ing your­self aloft
wings beat­ing about nothing
