the dis­po­si­tion­al axis of thought breaks through parallel
worlds –fried sticks of onion in spi­ral shap­ing served cold

Thanks God it’s Friday–
it leaves dis­played all the cir­cum­stances in which it has been
involved and caught in its fil­a­ment (fil­a­ment again or clue?)
it becomes independent•
the most inter­est­ing joke is this dis­tance between conception
– con­tin­gency that expands with ana­lyt­ic bridges
o lud­wig lud­wig oh ooh oooh
that e x p a n d s ho ho ho

–sor­ry but what else can be done, this free besieged
atavis­tic mind– ooooooooomonobloc!!!

hum­bug­ging for a counterpoint!

in a way pro­por­tion­al those voids that say “full of sense”

–a sachet that flies and flies (Amer­i­can beauty)

or when con­trol and rea­son were lost (gen­uine­ly only
with­out reason) –
that step onto invis­i­ble rules of the motif art

they do not exist but for their void itself
and their acoustic oppo­site tone tous tous
with­in lim­its of a “pre-estab­lished” harmony



The poems möbius, 0→1, ♪, O2 belong to poet­ry col­lec­tion Bel­la Boom (Pub­li­book 2011) and have also been pub­lished in Hel­leni­ca: Nov­el­ty With­in or Beyond Lan­guage: Anthol­o­gy of Young Greek Poets, (Athens: Gavri­ilidis, 2009)

