This one was a clever thief, penetrating
cracks like freez­ing fog, settling
on just one thing for each night’s haul –
a sov­er­eign hid­den under the vel­vet lining
of a rose­wood box, a dusty figurine
neglect­ed in an attic room.

A preda­to­ry bird, he surveys
his future plun­der – small antiquities
brought back from Greece, bone chi­na cups,
her bed­side clock. Light fin­gers secrete
them into obscure pock­ets as he slips
sound­less­ly away, leav­ing no footprints.

She begins to sense him creeping
through the house like morn­ing mist
spir­it­ing away her treasures.
Pow­er­less and afraid, she holds tight
her fam­i­ly pho­tos already fading
in their sil­ver frames.

Lock­ing doors and windows
she draws the cur­tains round.
