Ana Ris­tovic est née à Bel­grade (Ser­bie) en 1972, ville où elle habite. Elle a pub­lié plusieurs ouvrages de poésie : Snovid­na voda (Dreamwa­ter) (1994, Branko Radiče­vić’s prize), Uže od pes­ka (Rope of Sand) (1997), Zaba­va za dokone kćeri (Par­ty for Lazy­bones Daugh­ters) (1999, Prize of Branko Miljković and Prize at the Book fair in Iga­lo), Živ­ot na raz­gled­ni­ci (Life on the post­card) (2003), Oko nule (Round the Zero) (2006), and P.S – Select­ed Poems (2009) – Prize Mil­i­ca Sto­jadi­novic Srp­kin­ja, 2010.

Elle a aus­si reçu The Ger­man prize for young Euro­pean poet­ry Hubert Bur­da Preis (2005).

Les poèmes d’Ana Ris­tovic parais­sent dans divers­es antholo­gies et revues. Ils sont traduits en anglais, alle­mand, slo­vaque, français, macé­donien, slovène, polon­ais, bul­gare, sué­dois et fin­landais. Ses livres traduits sont parus en Slovénie, Slo­vaquie et Allemagne.

Ana Ris­tovic traduit aus­si des romans et des recueils de poésie slovènes en serbe.


Ana Ris­tović was born at 5th April 1972 in Bel­grade, Ser­bia. She has fin­ished com­par­a­tive lit­er­a­ture at the Philo­log­i­cal fac­ul­ty in Bel­grade. She has pub­lished the fol­low­ing books of poet­ry: Snovid­na voda (Dreamwa­ter) (1994, Branko Radiče­vić’s prize), Uže od pes­ka (Rope of Sand) (1997), Zaba­va za dokone kćeri (Par­ty for Lazy­bones Daugh­ters) (1999, Prize of Branko Miljković and Prize at the Book fair in Iga­lo), Živ­ot na raz­gled­ni­ci (Life on the post­card) (2003), Oko nule (Round the Zero) (2006), and P.S – Select­ed Poems (2009) – Prize Mil­i­ca Sto­jadi­novic Srp­kin­ja, 2010. She has also received Ger­man prize for young Euro­pean poet­ry Hubert Bur­da Preis (2005).


Her poems have been trans­lat­ed into Eng­lish, Ger­man, Slo­va­kian, French, Mace­don­ian, Sloven­ian, Pol­ish, Bul­gar­i­an, Swedish and Finnish lan­guage and have appeared in sev­er­al domes­tic and for­eign antholo­gies, and mag­a­zines. Her books of poet­ry have been trans­lat­ed and pub­lished in Slowakian, Sloven­ian and Ger­man language.


She is also trans­la­tor from Sloven­ian into Ser­bian lan­guage, and in her trans­la­tion since now have been pub­lished 18 books of mod­ern Sloven­ian prose and poetry.


Lives in Belgrade.
