Ger­ry van der Linden‘s (1952, Eind­hoven, The Nether­lands) first poet­ry­book The Note was pub­lished in 1978. The crit­ics wrote: young, fresh poet­ry with a vuner­a­ble, philo­soph­i­cal touch. Over­whelmed by the atten­tion she left for the USA and start­ed liv­ing and work­ing in New York and San Fran­cis­co for four years. She trans­lat­ed and read her poet­ry with Alan Gins­berg at the Stan­ford Uni­ver­si­ty, Cal­i­for­nia, in 1979. Her sec­ond poet­ry­book came out in 1990;  Fall on the edge and con­tains int­rig­ing poet­ry of life and death in a sharp, pas­sion­ate, though play­full lan­guage. She is also a prose writer. In 1992 she wrote her first novel­la Envel­op and in 1995 the nov­el Wind, a com­ing to age nov­el which star­tled the crit­ics by its unusu­al struc­ture, a life sto­ry writ­ten in dif­fer­ent style’s of prose and poet­ry. Nowa­days she’s work­ing on new poet­ry that will be pub­lished in 2014.


Pub­li­ca­tions: 9 poet­ry­books, 3 novels

1978 poet­ry: The Note, 1990 poet­ry Fall on the edge, 1992 novel­la: Envel­op,
1993 poet­ry: At my hand of feath­ers, 1995 nov­el: Wind, 1997 poet­ry: Sand­glass, 1999 poet­ry tale/with cd: The girl Lila and the Signs of Time, 2000 nov­el: Dag­ger, 2001 poet­ry: Way out, 2004 poet­ry: Good peo­ple, 2007 poet­ry: Coat of glass. (nom­i­nat­ed for the Bra­bant Price of Lit­er­a­ture, Bra­bantse Pri­js der Let­teren 2009), 2012 Poet­ry What happiness.

Ger­ry van der Lin­den was for three years a mem­ber of the board of the Dutch PEN (inter­na­tion­al orga­ni­za­tion of Poets, Essa­y­sists, Nov­el­ists), teach­es Poet­ry and Cre­ative Writ­ing at the illus­tri­ous Ams­ter­dam School of Writ­ing and is a per­son­al coach/mentor for upcom­ing poets and writ­ers. She also works as a visu­al artist, makes col­lages and cre­ates instal­la­tions of left over material.

She is a wel­come guest on inter­na­tion­al poet­ry meet­ings. There­fore her lit­er­ary work is trans­lat­ed into Eng­lish, Ger­man, French, Turk­ish, Bul­gar­i­an, Mace­don­ian, Sloven­ian and Indone­sian lan­guage. She is a respect­ed, well-known poet and nov­el­ist in and out of Hol­land. Web­site
