Poeta, ensay­ista, críti­co de cine y teatro, dra­matur­go, tra­duc­tor, antólo­ga  y edita -

Ljubomir Gruevs­ki, nació en Julio de 1949 en la ciu­dad de Ghevghe­lia (Repúbli­ca de Mace­do­nia). Se graduó de la escuela ele­men­tal en la ciu­dad de Bito­la, real­i­zo estu­dios secun­dar­ios de bachiller en la ciu­dad de Shtip, se graduó en la Fac­ul­tad de Filosofía, Uni­ver­si­dad de Bel­gra­do, se Licen­cia en la Fac­ul­tad de Filosofía de la Uni­ver­si­dad de San Cir­i­lo y Metodius en Skopie ‚pre­sen­tan­do sus tesis de licen­ciatu­ra en 1971.

Des­de 1988 es miem­bro de la Sociedad de Escritores de Macedonia.

De 1974 a 1977 fue direc­tor del Antiguo Museo de la Ciu­dad de Her­a­clea Linces­tis, des­de 1977 es direc­tor del Teatro Nacional de Bitola.En 1983 fundó y pub­licó la primera revista espe­cial­iza­da en lit­er­atu­ra mod­er­na en R. Mace­do­nia, ZA en cal­i­dad de Edi­tor Jefe. Fun­da­da en 1985 en Bito­la, la Casa Edi­to­rialMisirkov es nom­bra­do como Direc­tor. En 1986 es nom­bra­do como Direc­tor Jefe de la Casa EditorialArteros.

En 2006 inau­gu­ra el Fes­ti­val Inter­na­cional de Poesía Her­a­clea (Bito­la), que anual­mente se lle­va a cabo en el anfiteatro Romano de Her­a­clea. Des­de 2010 con ocasión del mis­mo Fes­ti­val, edi­ta y pub­li­ca la revista: “POESIA y algo más…”

Su poesía ha sido galar­don­a­da con impor­tantes pre­mios como; Pre­mio Goce´s(1998); Pre­mio del Fes­ti­val Lit­er­ario Ratkovi­ci  (Mon­tene­gro , 1998) ; Pre­mio Fes­ti­val de Pri­mav­era de Lin­den (Skop­je, 2004 y 2006); Pre­mio Inter­na­cional de Poesía en Mel­nik (Bul­gar­ia, 2006) Nom­i­na­tion para­Premio de Eropa de poesía (Romania,2013)Premio Ciu­dad de Bito­la (2006), etc.

Par­tic­i­pa en Fes­ti­vales Lit­er­ar­ios Nacionales e Inter­na­cionales: Días de Goce Delchev, Fes­ti­val de Pri­mav­era de Lin­den ; Fes­ti­val Tardes de Poesía,  Stru­ga; Fes­ti­val de Lit­er­atu­ra Rathovic; Fes­ti­val Inter­na­cional de Poesía de Mel­nik; Fes­ti­val Inter­na­tion­al Noches de poesía — Curtea de Arges, etc.

Su obra esta pre­sente en la Antología Siglo XX de Poesía de Mace­do­nia; en la Enci­clo­pe­dia Británi­ca y otras Antologías y dic­cionar­ios del país y de del extranjero.

Selec­ción de su poesía aparece en otros idiomas: Inglés, Еspañol Castel­lano, Ruso, Croa­ta, Búl­garo, Romano, Pola­co, Ser­bio, Ucra­ni­ano, Esloveno etc.


Ships/Embarcaciones (Líri­ca) Pub­li­ca­do por  Casa Edi­to­r­i­al  Razvi­tok – Bito­la, 1980.

Besieged City/Ciudad Siti­a­da. Edi­to­r­i­al GJURGJA, Ohrid, 1991.

Fiery Country/Ciudad Ardi­ente (Líri­ca) Pub­li­ca­do por Casa edi­to­r­i­al  Razvi­tok – Bito­la, 1993

Songs of Loce/Canciones de Loce (Antología de poesía pop­u­lar) Casa Edi­to­r­i­al BID Misirkov – Bito­la, 1992.

Symbolism…/Simbolismo… Andrei Beli (Tra­duci­do , Ruso), pub­li­ca­do por la Casa Arteros, Bito­la, 1997.

Island and oth­er legends/Isla y otras leyen­das, pub­li­ca­do por la Casa Arteros, Bito­la, 1999.

Book of Wisdom/Libro de la Sabiduria (Léx­i­co de aforis­mos y pen­samien­tos sabios), pub­li­ca­do por la Casa Arteros, Bito­la, 2001.

Magna Charta/Magna Char­ta (Líri­ca y CD), pub­li­ca­do por la Casa Arteros, Bito­la, 2003.

The­ater, Film and Verse /Teatro, Cine y Ver­so (Ensayo) pub­li­ca­do por la Casa Arteros, Bito­la, 2005.

Images and Shadows/ Imá­genes y Som­bras (Selec­ción líri­ca) Aso­ciación para la Creación, Bito­la, 2008.

Muse­um below Pelister/Museo bajo Pelis­ter (Líri­ca) Cen­tro de Ini­cia­ti­vas Cul­tur­al, Shtip, 2011.

The­ater perceptions/Percepciones Teatrales (Críti­ca Teatral) Casa Edi­to­r­i­al HPS, Bito­la, 2012.

The Profundis/Profundidad (Selec­ción Líri­ca en Inglés y Rumano) Casa Edi­to­r­i­al de la Acad­e­mia Inter­na­cional Ori­ente- Occi­dente, Bucarest, 2013.

Imá­genes y Som­bras, pub­li­ca­do por AVECA, Cajar ‚Espanol 2014





Ljubomir Gruevs­ki  — poet, essay­ist, theater/film crit­ic, play­wright, trans­la­tor, edi­tor; was born on the 17th of Jan­u­ary 1949 in the city of Gevgelia (Repub­lic of Mace­do­nia). He fin­ished ele­men­tary school in the city of Bito­la, high school in the town of Stip, stud­ied lit­er­a­ture at the Philo­log­i­cal Fac­ul­ty in Bel­grade, Repub­lic of Ser­bia and in Skop­je, Repub­lic of Mace­do­nia, where he grad­u­at­ed, at the Fac­ul­ty of Phi­los­o­phy, Uni­ver­si­ty Saints Cyril and Methodius.

From 1974 to 1977 he was direc­tor of the Muse­um and Ancient Site Her­a­clea Lynces­tis, and then from 1977 he was the direc­tor of the Nation­al The­atre in Bito­la. In 1983 he ini­ti­at­ed the first num­ber of the young lit­er­ary mag­a­zines in R. Mace­do­nia, ZA (PRO) being the first edi­tor-in-chief. He was appoint­ed direc­tor of the Misirkov Pub­lish­ing House (the first pub­lish­ing house out­side the Mace­don­ian cap­i­tal, Skop­je) found­ed in 1985 in Bitola.

            Since 1986 he was edi­tor-in-chief of the renown mag­a­zine for lit­er­a­ture and cul­ture Razvi­tok in R Mace­do­nia (Bito­la). In 1995 he found­ed  the Pub­lish­ing House Arteros and lead it as a direc­tor and edi­tor-in-chief.

In 2006 he found­ed the Inter­na­tion­al Fes­ti­val Her­a­clea Poet­ry Fes­tiv­i­ties (Bito­la), held annu­al­ly in the Roman amphithe­ater Her­a­clea Lynces­tis. Since 2010, with the occa­sion of the same fes­ti­val, he pub­lished and edit­ed the lit­er­ary mag­a­zine POETRY etc. (a mul­ti­lin­gual poet­ry mag­a­zine where the poems are pub­lished in their orig­i­nal lan­guage and also trans­lat­ed in Eng­lish and Macedonian).

In 2007, the the­ater group Krik (CRY) enacts the play he wrote and direct­ed A Mace­don­ian sto­ry (about the life and work of Krste Petkov Misirkov) which par­tic­i­pat­ed at the state’s fes­ti­val for small and non-pro­fes­sion­al the­aters at the town of Kocani.

His poet­ry has been award­ed with impor­tant lit­er­ary prizes, includ­ing: Goce Del­cev Award (Repub­lic of Mace­do­nia, 1998); Ratkovi­ci Lit­er­ary Fes­ti­val Award (Mon­tene­gro, 1987); First and sec­ond prize at the Fes­ti­val of the Lin­den ( 2004 and 2006, Skop­je, R.Macedonia); Inter­na­tion­al Poet­ry Fes­ti­val Award in Mel­nik (Bul­gar­ia, 2006); Prize of the City of Bito­la — Novem­ber 4th (2006) and nom­i­na­tion for the Euro­pean prize for poet­ry at the Inter­na­tion­al Fes­ti­val de Kurtea Argesh,2013 (Roma­nia) etc.

He par­tic­i­pat­ed in sev­er­al nation­al and inter­na­tion­al lit­er­ary fes­ti­vals, con­gress­es and oth­er lit­er­ary gath­er­ings: Days of Goce Del­cev, Fes­ti­val of the Lin­den, Racin Gath­er­ings; Stru­ga Poet­ry Evenings, Ratkovich Poet­ry Evenings Fes­ti­val, Inter­na­tion­al Fes­ti­val of Poet­ry Mel­nik  and Sofia  (Repub­lic of Bul­gar­ia), Inter­na­tion­al fes­ti­val Curtea de Arges, (Roma­nia), Kiev (Ukraine) Bel­grad (Repub­lic Ser­bia) etc.

He is present in most of the antholo­gies of the Mace­don­ian poet­ry, such as the Mace­don­ian Poet­ry Anthol­o­gy the twen­ti­eth cen­tu­ry; in the Ency­clo­pe­dia Bri­tan­ni­ca and in oth­er writ­ers antholo­gies and dic­tio­nar­ies from the Repub­lic of Mace­do­nia and abroad.

Some of his poet­ry works have been pub­lished in Eng­lish, Russ­ian, Roman­ian, Ukrain­ian, Span­ish, Frеnch, Sloven­ian, Bulgarian,Croatian, Pol­ish and Ser­bian language.

Since 1989 he is a mem­ber of the Soci­ety of Writ­ers of  Mace­do­nia.  

Lives and works in Bito­la; e‑mail: ljubomir.gruevski@yahoo.com; hps_bitola_rm@yahoo.com 




 Ships (poet­ry) Razvi­tok Pub­lish­ing, Bito­la, 1980; Besieged City, Pub­lish­ing House Ghi­urghea, Ohrid, 1991, Tier­ra del Fuego (poet­ry) Razvi­tok Pub­lish­ing House, Bito­la, 1993; Songs of Love (anthol­o­gy of folk poet­ry) Pub­lish­ing House BID Misirkov, Bito­la, 1992; Sym­bol­ism… by Andrey Bely (trans­la­tion from Russ­ian), Pub­lish­ing House Arteros, Bito­la, 1997; Island and oth­er songs (poet­ry), Pub­lish­ing House Arteros, Bito­la, 1999, Book of Wis­dom (anthol­o­gy of wise say­ings), Pub­lish­ing House Arteros, Bito­la, 2001, Magna Char­ta (poet­ry on a CD read by the author himself(You Tube), Pub­lish­ing House Arteros, Bito­la, 2003; Film, the­ater, verse (essays), Pub­lish­ing House Arteros, Bito­la, 2005; Images and Shad­ows (selec­tion of poet­ry), Aries Media, Skop­je, 2008; Muse­um in Pelis­ter (poet­ry) Cen­ter for Cul­tur­al Ini­tia­tive, Stip, 2011; The­ater Intro­spec­tion (the­ater crit­ics), Pub­lish­ing House HPS, Bito­la, 2012, De Pro­fundis (selec­tion of poet­ry in Eng­lish and Roman­ian), Pub­lish­ing House of Inter­na­tion­al Acad­e­my Ori­ent-Occi­dent, Bucharest, 2013; Ima­genes y Som­bras (poet­ry selec­tion in Span­ish), AVECA 2014, and To Erusalem (poet­ry), pub­lish­er- Aries Media,Skopje 2014.
