
  曾获《诗参考》“十年成就奖”暨“经典作品奖”、《山花》2000年度诗歌奖、首届“明天额尔古纳”中国诗歌双年展“双年诗人奖”等多种奖项。曾当选为《文友》《女友》评选的“读者最喜爱的十佳诗人”(1993)、《世界汉语诗刊》评选的“当代十大青年诗人”(1998)、《羊城晚报》《诗歌月刊》等多家媒体评选的“中国当代十大新锐诗人”(2007)。曾应邀出席第16届瑞典奈舍国际诗歌节、第38届荷兰鹿特丹国际诗歌节、第8、9、10届亚洲诗人大会、首届昆明“中国-北欧诗歌周”等国际交流活动。自上世纪80年代末迄今,一直活跃在中国诗坛上,引人瞩目也饱受争议,是非官方反学 院的“民间写作”的代表诗人。

On May 19, 1966, Yi Sha (Wu Wen Jian) was born in Cheng Du City, Sichuan Province. In 1989 he grad­u­at­ed from Bei­jing Teacher’s Uni­ver­si­ty with a degree in Chi­nese Lan­guage and Lit­er­a­ture. He cur­rent­ly lives in the city of Xian in Shanx­isheng Province and teach­es in Mou Uni­ver­si­ty. His major pub­lished works include: (Poet­ry) Starv­ing Poets The Spir­it of Yisha Untamed­Song I Final­ly Under­stood Your Refusal Yisha’s Select­ed Poems My Hero The Char­i­ot Crossed the Yel­low Riv­er (Long Poem) Tang (Crit­ic­sim, a col­lab­o­ra­tion) A Cri­tique of Ten Poets (Prose and Essays) A City Not Let Go Being Com­pelled to Live a Live of Debauch­ery Igno­rant, Shame­less (Short Sto­ries) Hap­pi­ness that Com­mon Peo­ple Don’t Under­stand Who Knows Who Aches (Nov­els) Beau­ti­ful Woman, Beau­ti­ful Land Ecsta­syChi­na’s Past (Trans­la­tions) Yi Sha, A Short Col­lec­tion (Eng­lish)– Project of Soul and Flesh (Hebrew) Poems by Yisha from the 38th Jie Rot­ter­dam Inter­na­tion­al Poet­ry Fes­ti­val (Dutch) He has had the good for­tune to also have works pub­lished in Swedish and oth­er lan­guages. His past prizes and awards include: (Poet­ry Ref­er­ence Works) “10 Year Achieve­ment Award” “Clas­si­cal Works Award’ (Shan Hua) “2000 Years Poet­ry Award”(First Prize) “Tomor­row You Receive the Ancient” “Annu­al Chi­nese New Year Exhibition“and sev­er­al oth­er such awards. (Fem­i­nist) “A Read­er of Twen­ty Beau­ti­ful Poets” 1993;(Journal of Chi­nese Lan­guage) “Anthol­o­gy of Ten Mod­ern Young Poets 1998; (Cheng Yang News­pa­per) (Poet­ry Month­ly) by pop­u­lar acclaim “Ten Vital Young Poets of Da Xin” 2007;Invitation to the 16th Swedish Inter­na­tion­al Poet­ry Fes­ti­val, the 39th Dutch Inter­na­tion­al Poet­ry Fes­ti­val, the 8th, 9th, and 10th Asia Poet­ry Con­fer­ence, first Kun­ming “Chi­na and North­ern Europe Poet­ry Week” with alter­nate loca­tions. Yi Sha has been very active in the Chi­nese poet­ry cir­cle from 1980’s till now. Being very pop­u­lar and con­tro­ver­sial at the same time, he is con­sid­ered a rep­re­sen­ta­tive poet of the “Folk Style Writ­ing” which is anti-stan­dard and anti-academia.
