Shin­ing stones, unturned for centuries
twists fixed parts
heads out of the waters to a mal­formed world.

Water­borne wafts,
same as the time with­out civilizations;
a respite for the unspo­ken lives
return­ing from hibernation.

Stuck in the roots and under­ground currents,
feet­less stones budge
devoid of significance.

Bik­ers and dri­vers race beside the stur­dy highway-
eyes and head fixed in fashion
minds gripped in hard beat­ing headphones.

A bel­low­ing cow shak­ing its horns,
rest­less on its feet
breaks the vision of a tourist
the wit­ness to the pic­ture dri­ven story

as buf­fa­los move out of the ancient stones
and trem­bling waters.
