GAO HONGBO was born in Inner Mon­go­lia in 1951. Nation­al­ized in Chi­na. He has been suc­ces­sive­ly edi­tor of the lit­er­ary and arts edi­tor of the poet­ry mag­a­zine and direc­tor of cre­ative writ­ing depart­ment of the Chi­na Asso­ci­a­tion of Writ­ers, to which it belongs since 1984 and which is cur­rent­ly its sec­re­tary. Began pub­lish­ing his writ­ing in 1971 and has since pub­lished 14 antholo­gies of poems for chil­dren, 23 selec­tions of his essays, fairy tales and 7 two antholo­gies crit­i­cism. It is one of the most famous and rep­re­sen­ta­tive poets of mod­ern Chi­nese lit­er­ary cir­cles. The style of his poet­ry is vivid and vig­or­ous, full of grace and humor, deeply in love with the cre­ation of poems for chil­dren, many of them have been incor­po­rat­ed into text­books in high school. The poet is a spe­cial­ist in find­ing an inter­est­ing visu­al angle from the point of view of chil­dren, who shows a deep love in a relaxed, active and humor­ous atmos­phere. In read­ing his poet­ry, we can not stop smil­ing, accom­pa­nied by a qui­et time, wit­ty, inven­tive and a bit­ter feeling.
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