Rossella Pompeo


Rossel­la Pom­peo is a poet­ess and writer who lives in Rome and col­lab­o­rates with sev­er­al pub­lish­ing hous­es. She has pub­lished the nov­el: “The woman who grew trees” (Robin Edi­zioni 2016), “Rome is like Asmara” (Editrice Zona, 2009) a col­lec­tion of short sto­ries and three col­lec­tions of poems: “The things behind the wall”, (Man­ni, 2006), “Gen­tle noise”, (Prospet­ti­va, 2008) and “Silent waitings”.

Her french poems wer­ere­cent­ly pub­lished by French poet­ry reviews: Iris News, Ce qui reste, Revue 17secondes, Le cap­i­tal des mots.

Dur­ing her study of direc­tion she dra­ma­tized and direct­ed the short film: “Ancient hands”, which was tak­en from her short sto­ry of the same name in the col­lec­tion: “Rome is like Asmara”, dur­ing which time she met the direc­tor Bog­dan Drey­er Dumitresku who asked to her to edit the poet­ic adap­ta­tion and the film script trans­la­tion from Ital­ian to French of his forth­com­ing movie with Gérard Depar­dieu and Har­vey Keitel.

Liv­ing in San Loren­zo’s dis­trict, Rossel­la has felt in 2010 the neces­si­ty to do some­thing for peo­ple, above all stu­dents, who live there to oppose the increas­ing dete­ri­o­ra­tion. So, she has con­ceived and orga­nized the the­atri­cal work­shop: “The body on stage”, the aim of which was to pro­vide the stu­dents with a key to search for their real self through a new knowl­edge of their body with the help of bioen­er­get­ics and poetry.

In 2013 she has con­ceived and orga­nized the poet­i­cal work­shop: “Poet­ry like a street to the Volturno cross­road” http://​vol​tur​no​.noblogs​.org/​l​a​b​o​r​a​t​o​ri/

For fur­ther infor­ma­tion and to find out more about her new works of art vis­it her blog at:





© Crédits pho­tos (sup­primer si inutile)


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