Vladimir Kopi­cl is born in 1949 in Ser­bia. He lives and work uin Novi Sad. He has pub­lished poet­ry, essays and trans­la­tions. For his lit­er­ary work he has won sev­er­al awards: the  Branko’s  award for poet­ry (l979), Ster­i­ja’s award for the­atre cri­tique (1988), DKV Best Book award (2003), Ste­van Pesic award (2004), East-West award (2006), Dis’ award  (2008) etc. Vladimir Kopi­cl has edit­ed sev­er­al lit­er­ary pub­li­ca­tions and jour­nals: Letopis Mat­ice Srpske (found­ed in 1816), the most pres­ti­gious and old­est Ser­bian lit­er­ary peri­od­i­cal from 1981 to 1994, then the mul­ti­lin­gual lit­er­ary mag­a­zine Rays/Luci/Les Rayons/Los Rayos/Strahlen issued by the Authors’ Asso­ci­a­tion of Vojvo­d­i­na from 1986 to 1989, and since 1995 he has been Edi­tor in Chief of the jour­nal for the­o­ry, rad­i­calisms and art, TRANSkatalog. 
