Ian Gib­bins is a neu­ro­sci­en­tist and Pro­fes­sor of Anato­my at Flinders Uni­ver­si­ty, South Aus­tralia. He has over 100 sci­en­tif­ic pub­li­ca­tions about the micro­scop­ic organ­i­sa­tion of the nerves that com­mu­ni­cate between the brain and the inter­nal organs. His poet­ry has been wide­ly pub­lished in jour­nals, includ­ing Aus­tralian Book Review, Going Down Swing­ing, Souther­ly and Blue Dog; on-line (Transna­tion­al Lit­er­a­ture; Souther­ly, ditch), and in pub­lic instal­la­tions around Ade­laide. Sev­er­al poems have been short-list­ed in nation­al poet­ry prizes (Peter Porter Prize, the New­cas­tle Poet­ry prize, the Max Har­ris Prize) appeared in Best Aus­tralian Poems 2008. Ian also com­pos­es elec­tron­ic music for his poems which has appeared in Going Down Swing­ing and Cordite and has been broad­cast on Aus­tralian nation­al radio. His first col­lec­tion of poems and accom­pa­ny­ing CD, Urban Biol­o­gy, was pub­lished in 2012.

Ian increas­ing­ly works across the so-called divide between art and sci­ence and is active­ly explor­ing the com­mon cre­ative ground shared by these activ­i­ties. For more infor­ma­tion, see www.iangibbins.com.au
