Adrian Grafe, WHEN I WAS A CHILD


‘la cicatrice joyeuse’ (René Gallet)


The smashed guitar
The trade in blame
The drunken shouts
The trust betrayed
The wasted years
The hidden cause
The guilty bed
The trembling boy
The parents’ strife
The good defiled
The frightened child
The weeping wife
The children’s toys
The wish for death
The slamming doors
The taste of tears
The words of hate
The worms of doubt
The weight of shame
The joyful scar

Présentation de l’auteur

Adrian Grafe

Adrian Grafe est né en Angleterre, où il a grandi. Diplôme d’Oxford. Auteur de monographies de Hopkins et d’Emily Dickinson et directeur ou co-directeur de plusieurs ouvrages consacrés à la poésie anglaise moderne. A publié quelques poèmes dans des revues et a dirigé le dossier Hopkins de NUNC (juin 2012). Collabore à la chronique des livres des Etvdes pour la littérature anglaise et co-dirige, avec Emily Taylor Merriman, la chronique des livres du Hopkins Quarterly (Philadelphie). Il enseigne la poésie et la littérature anglophone, ainsi que la traduction, à l’université d’Artois. Il vit à Paris.


Adrian Grafe was born and raised in Oxfordshire and studied at Oxford University. He is the author of monographs of Hopkins and Emily Dickinson, and has edited or co-edited several volumes of essays on modern British poetry. He has published poems in small magazines and edited the Hopkins dossier of NUNC (June 2012). He is a contributor on English literature to the Book Reviews section of the Etvdes and co-edits with Emily Taylor Merriman the Book Reviews section of the Hopkins Quarterly (Philadelphia). He was named a Fellow of the English Association (GB) in 2011 and appointed a member of Pacific Coast Philology’s consultative committee in 2012. He teaches English-language poetry and literature, and translation, at Université d’Artois and lives in Paris.


Adrian Grafe