Alain Fabre-Catalan



ALAIN FAB­RE-CATA­LAN­Poète et tra­duc­teur, il est mem­bre du comité de rédac­tion de la Revue Alsa­ci­enne de Lit­téra­tureet de la revue Les Car­nets d’Eucharis. Pub­li­ca­tions récentes : Le Par­adis per­du de Georg Trakl, un essai avec des tra­duc­tions nou­velles (Recours au Poème édi­teurs, 2015), Vari­a­tions I Mez­za voce & Vari­a­tions II Ruba­to(Rhombes, 2015),Le Voy­age immo­bile, un livre à deux voix écrit avec Eva-Maria Berg, sur « la mémoire des camps » (Édi­tions du Petit Véhicule, 2017).


Pho­to de Roswitha Strüber

Poèmes choi­sis

Autres lec­tures

Dream N° 33

  Your daughter’s name will be Salome she’ll have dark eyes dis­con­so­late like hunger a lizard-skin wed­ding dress and a lock of your lover’s hair she’ll be psy­chic she’ll choose death on a plane […]

Golden Years

  And again we’ll long for the gold­en years spent pin­ing after huge super­stores and touch-acti­vat­ed appli­ances dream­ing of the West and the small tan­ger­ines bloom­ing in the win­dow we’re grow­ing old­er & happier […]

It Was Easy to Set the Snow on Fire

  We kissed         in the cold air blue lips frozen fin­gers rapt like chil­dren we shiv­ered like dogs in the rain and that was enough it was easy to set the snow on fire […]

Psychedelic Fur

  Doing busi­ness with God I became his street deal­er wait­ing for the lone­ly & the des­per­ate always in the same spot always in the same leather jack­et always in same dusty shoes I […]


  I exit­ed the flat, in the ele­va­tor I saw a girl in a red coat shiv­er­ing in the cor­ner, she had great cir­cles under her eyes and sweat­ed pro­fuse­ly, she begged me to […]


A con­sul­ter chaque semaine, l’ex­cel­lent et précurseur espace poé­tique Poez­ibao emmené par Flo­rence Trocmé.    

Poetry in Translation

It was Robert Frost who said that “poet­ry is what gets lost in trans­la­tion”. As some­one who has a par­tic­u­lar inter­est in the poet­ry of oth­er lan­guages, I have often found the accu­ra­cy of this pro­nounce­ment irritating.

Lo Yi-Chin

Né en 1967, il est l’auteur d’un recueil de poésie et d’une dizaine de recueils de nouvelles.


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