Bernard Block


Bernard Blockwas born and raised in Ben­son­hurst, Brook­lyn and attend­ed Cor­nell Uni­ver­si­ty and Brook­lyn Col­lege.  He hitch-hiked to Cal­i­for­nia in 1965 and lived in the Haight-Ash­bury through 1967 where he gave poet­ry read­ings at the I and Thou Cof­fee Shop, North Beach cof­fee hous­es and Gold­en Gate Park.  He returned to NYC and stud­ied with the poet Colette Inez in the mid ‘70’s. He earned his liv­ing as a case­work­er with the Bureau of Child Wel­fare in New York City (he is now retired). Bernard has read at all the major spo­ken-word venues in NYC. He has pre­sent­ed his poet­ry in venues in Philadel­phia, Colum­bia, SC and Asheville, NC.  In August, 2014 he was invit­ed to fea­ture in Laugh­arne, South Wales in cel­e­bra­tion of the cen­te­nary of Dylan Thomas’ birth.  Bernard curates and hosts the Series “From Whit­man to Gins­berg” at Cor­nelia St. Café.  There have been 17 edi­tions of this Series; the most recent was pre­sent­ed on May 12, 2017. All 17 edi­tions were video­taped and can be accessed on his YouTube Chan­nel.  He has had 38 poems pub­lished in the pres­ti­gious Euro­pean on-line lit­er­ary jour­nal, Lev­ure Lit­téraire, #8, #9 and #12.  (Edi­tors:  Rod­i­ca Dragh­inces­cu;  Eri­ka Dagnino)

Poèmes choi­sis


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