Iris Cushing


Iris Mar­ble Cush­ing was born in Tarzana, CA in 1983. She has received grants and awards for her work from the Nation­al Endow­ment for the Arts and The Fred­er­ick and Frances Som­mer Foun­da­tion, as well as a writ­ing res­i­den­cy at Grand Canyon Nation­al Park in Ari­zona. Her poems have been pub­lished in the Boston Review, La Fovea, No, Dear, and oth­er places. A col­lab­o­ra­tion with pho­tog­ra­ph­er George Wood­man, How a Pic­ture Grows a World, was trans­lat­ed into Ital­ian and was the sub­ject of an exhi­bi­tion at Gale­ria Alessan­dro Bag­nai in Flo­rence, Italy. Iris lives in Brook­lyn, where she works as an edi­tor for Argos Books and for Cir­cum­fer­ence: A jour­nal of poet­ry in trans­la­tion.  

Iris Cushing

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