Rossella Pompeo is a poetess and writer who lives in Rome and collaborates with several publishing houses. She has published the novel: “The woman who grew trees” (Robin Edizioni 2016), “Rome is like Asmara” (Editrice Zona, 2009) a collection of short stories and three collections of poems: “The things behind the wall”, (Manni, 2006), “Gentle noise”, (Prospettiva, 2008) and “Silent waitings”.
Her french poems wererecently published by French poetry reviews: Iris News, Ce qui reste, Revue 17secondes, Le capital des mots.
During her study of direction she dramatized and directed the short film: “Ancient hands”, which was taken from her short story of the same name in the collection: “Rome is like Asmara”, during which time she met the director Bogdan Dreyer Dumitresku who asked to her to edit the poetic adaptation and the film script translation from Italian to French of his forthcoming movie with Gérard Depardieu and Harvey Keitel.
Living in San Lorenzo’s district, Rossella has felt in 2010 the necessity to do something for people, above all students, who live there to oppose the increasing deterioration. So, she has conceived and organized the theatrical workshop: “The body on stage”, the aim of which was to provide the students with a key to search for their real self through a new knowledge of their body with the help of bioenergetics and poetry.
In 2013 she has conceived and organized the poetical workshop: “Poetry like a street to the Volturno crossroad”
For further information and to find out more about her new works of art visit her blog at:
Poèmes choisis
Poèmes choisis