Mam­ta Sagar has three col­lec­tions of poems, four plays, an anthol­o­gy of col­umn writ­ing, a col­lec­tion of essays and a book­let on Sloven­ian-Kan­na­da Lit­er­a­ture Inter­ac­tions to her cred­it. Her poems are trans­lat­ed into many Indi­an lan­guages includ­ing Eng­lish apart from Span­ish, French, Viet­namese, Gali­cian, Mal­tese, Chi­nese, Sloven­ian, Cebuano etc;. She has collaborated/performed with artists/poets from India, Aus­tralia, Philip­pines and Viet­nam. She has pre­sent­ed poems at many inter­na­tion­al poet­ry fes­ti­vals. Mam­ta teach­es at the Cen­tre for Kan­na­da Stud­ies, Ban­ga­lore Uni­ver­si­ty and lives in Bangalore. 
