Neil Lead­beat­er was born 1951, in Wolver­hamp­ton, Eng­land. Edu­cat­ed at Rep­ton School, Der­byshire, Eng­land. BA (Hons) Eng­lish, Uni­ver­si­ty of Lon­don (1973). His poet­ry books are: Hoard­ing Conkers at Hailes Abbey (Lit­toral Press, 2010); Amaz­ing World (leaflet) (Atlantean Pub­lish­ing, 2010) and Libret­tos for the Black Madon­na (White Adder Press, 2011). His work has appeared in the fol­low­ing antholo­gies: The Review of Con­tem­po­rary Poet­ry (Ed. Gary Bills) (Bluechrome Pub­lish­ing, 2005); 101 Poets For a Cor­nish Assem­bly (Ed. Les Mer­ton) (Boho Press, 2006) and The Real Sur­vivors Anthol­o­gy (Ed. Bar­ry Tebb) (Six­ties Press, 2006). His poems and short sto­ries have appeared in the fol­low­ing mag­a­zines: Aabye’s Baby; Aire­ings; Aspire; Awen; Bard; Breathe; Can­de­labrum; Car­il­lon; Chan­ti­cleer Mag­a­zine; Cof­fee House Poet­ry; Crea­ture Fea­tures (Cyprus); Crit­i­cal Sur­vey; Curlew; Dan­de­lion Arts Mag­a­zine; Decanto; Dial 174; Earth Love; Envoi; Exile; Fife Lines; Fire; First Time; ibid; Inclement; iota; Island; Lines Review; Lit­toral Mag­a­zine; Mark­ings; Nev­er Bury Poet­ry; Oasis; Obsessed with Pipework; Pan­da Quar­ter­ly Poet­ry Mag­a­zine; Pen­nine Ink; Pen­nine Plat­form; Phoenix New Life Poet­ry; Poet­ic Licence; Poet­ry Corn­wall; Poet­ry Greece (Greece); Poet­ry Month­ly; Poet­ry Month­ly Inter­na­tion­al; Poet­ry Not­ting­ham Inter­na­tion­al; Poet­ry Scot­land; Pul­sar; Pur­ple Patch; Push­ing Out The Boat; Quan­tum Leap; Quar­ry; Reach Poet­ry; Red Her­ring; Reflec­tions; Saras­vati; Saw; Sepia; Super­fluity; The Dawn­tread­er; The Eil­don Tree; The Jour­nal; The Red Wheel­bar­row; The Sev­enth Quar­ry; The Shop (Eire); Thorny Locust (USA); Under­stand­ing; Urban Dis­trict Writer; Urban Land­scapes; Voice and Verse; York­shire Jour­nal; Wey­far­ers; Writer’s Review. 
