Niels Hav is a full time poet and short sto­ry writer liv­ing in Copen­hagen with awards from The Dan­ish Arts Coun­cil. In Eng­lish he has We Are Here, pub­lished by Book Thug, and poet­ry and fic­tion in numer­ous mag­a­zines includ­ing The Lit­er­ary Review, Eco­tone, Exile, The Los Ange­les Review and PRISM Inter­na­tion­al. In his native Dan­ish the author of six col­lec­tions of poet­ry and three books of short fic­tion. His work has been trans­lat­ed into sev­er­al lan­guages such as Ara­bic, Turk­ish, Span­ish and Chi­nese. He has trav­elled wide­ly in Europe, Asia, North- and South America. 

Niels Hav est un poète à plein temps et un nou­vel­liste vivant à Copen­h­ague. En anglais il a pub­lié Nous Sommes Ici, ed Le livre voy­ou. Il a pub­lié poésie et fic­tion dans de nom­breux mag­a­zines dont The Lit­er­ary Review, Eco­tone, Exile, The Los Ange­les Review and PRISM Inter­na­tion­al. Dans son Dane­mark natal il est l’au­teur de six recueils de poésie et trois livres de fic­tion courte. Son tra­vail a été traduit dans plusieurs langues comme l’arabe, turc, espag­nol et chi­nois. Il a voy­agé en Europe, Asie, Amérique du Sud et du Nord.
