Elisa Biagini lives in Florence, Italy after having taught and studied in the U.S. for several years. Her poems have been published in several Italian and American reviews and anthologies. She has published 6 poetry collections- some biligual- such as “L’Ospite”, (Einaudi, 2004), “Fiato. parole per musica” (2006) and “Nel Bosco” (Einaudi, 2007). Her poems have been translated into English, German, Spanish, Portoguese, French, Croatian, Japanese, Slovak, Arabic, Serbian, Chinese and Russian and she has been invited to important poetry festivals such as: “Stanza-Scotland’s International Poetry Festival”, St.Andrews, Scotland; “Dubai International Poetry Festival”, UAE; “poesiefestivalberlin”, Berlino; International Writers Workshop, Hong Kong, “Struga Poetry evenings”, Struga, Macedonia, “Poetry Parnassus”, London, England. She has translated several contemporary American poets for reviews, anthologies and complete collections (“Nuovi Poeti Americani” Einaudi, 2006) and she teaches Creative Writing-Poetry, Travel Writing, Literature and Art History in Italy and abroad. Along with her work as a poet, Elisa has presented several installation projects in relevant art spaces and has collaborated with musicians, artists and choreographers
Elisa Biagini
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