The good peo­ple at solar anus: read­ings will host Ben Kopel, Megan Volpert, and Kory Cal­i­co Mon­day, May 28th at 8 PM. The read­ing will be held at Beep Beep Gallery (696 Charles Allen Dri­ve, Atlanta, GA 30308). Ben Kopel is the author of VICTORY (H_NGM_N BKS, 2012). He has had poems fea­tured in Conduit,The New Delta Review, Make­out Creek, and else­where. He helps curate the jubilat/Jones read­ing series in Amherst, Mass­a­chu­setts. Megan Volpert is a poet and crit­ic from Chica­go who has set­tled in Atlanta with her wife, Mindy. Volpert holds an MFA in Cre­ative Writ­ing from Louisiana State Uni­ver­si­ty and is a high school Eng­lish teacher. Son­ics in Warho­lia is her fourth col­lec­tion of poems (Sib­ling Rival­ry Press, 2011). The oth­er three are TheDesense of Non­fense and Face Blind­ness (BlazeVOX Books, 2009 & 2007), and­Do­mes­tic Trans­mis­sion (Metro­Ma­nia Press, 2007). She is cur­rent­ly edit­ing This assign­ment is so gay: LGBTIQ Poets on the Art of Teach­ing (Sib­ling Rival­ry Press, 2013). Kory Cal­i­co was born at Grady hos­pi­tal in Atlanta. He is an avid fan of rap music, poet­ry and prose. In 2011 he helped orga­nize Poets for Change: Atlanta and is the cur­rent co-cura­tor of the ALEF read­ing and per­for­mance art series with Puma Navar­ro. –Jen­ny Sadre-Orafai

Source : mag­a­zine Coldfront
