SJ Fowler has pub­lished four col­lec­tions of poet­ry, includ­ing Min­i­mum Secu­ri­ty Prison Den­tistry (AAA press) and Fights (Veer books). He has been com­mis­sioned by the Tate, Mer­cy and the Lon­don Sin­foni­et­ta and has fea­tured in over 100 poet­ry jour­nals. He has read his work at inter­na­tion­al fes­ti­vals across Europe and been trans­lat­ed into nine lan­guages. He is the poet­ry edi­tor at 3am mag­a­zine, and the UK edi­tor of VLAK and Lyrik­line. He edits the Main­tenant inter­view and read­ing series in Lon­don and works at the British Muse­um.  
