My name is Mar­i­ja – I am a woman. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, that fact is very deci­sive when talk­ing about my coun­try, its cul­ture too. I was born in pre­vi­ous cen­tu­ry, in 1963, which means that I am too “expe­ri­enced” to pay atten­tion on every­thing that stands CONTRA poet­ry, art and cul­ture in gen­er­al, I do notice it, I’ve expe­ri­enced “on my skin,” as we say here, but am also aware of the fact that I have only one life and I want that life to be “my busi­ness” as much as pos­si­ble. So I write − poet­ry, essays, sto­ries, nov­els… and I try to be “tough like a rock” when it comes to what they call “cul­tur­al pol­i­tics.” It’s been nev­er easy (nor­mal) when it is about female authors, which is an con­tra­dic­tion in adjec­to since, in my opin­ion, art DOES NOT have gen­der, age, race, nationality…

Women intel­lec­tu­als are dis­crim­i­nat­ed in this envi­ron­ment unless they are some­way “close” to the lead­ing men. That is the first obsta­cle. The sec­ond one is what they call pol­i­tics, although I don’t like to use that word for all kinds of stu­pid rules and, doing so, to offend the great idea of Aris­to­tle. It is not pol­i­tics we’re talk­ing about, these are some ridicu­lous deci­sions that serve only to the inter­ests of peo­ple in pow­er, espe­cial­ly the ones we can­not see, “pow­er­ful peo­ple in the shad­ow.”  There a lot of such peo­ple in our cul­tur­al mech­a­nism. For that rea­son it is enor­mous­ly dif­fi­cult for us who are females and are not “close to the deci­sion mak­ers” to pub­lish a book, to gain some award…. To gain respect!

That is real­i­ty. But there is always more than one real­i­ty.  More and more impor­tant real­i­ty to me is the on of my own.  I feel as I sup­pose Ovid must have felt once ban­ished to Pon­to, with­out com­par­ing my work with his, of course. I want to say that I feel iso­lat­ed and am com­ing to believe that maybe an artist should feel that way; maybe it is a nat­ur­al state of art – “to be some­where else?” I am focused on the pure beau­ty of art and the FULFILLMENT I am giv­en by art – focused on that GIFT. I am focused on my “sis­ters and broth­ers in arts” and their work that revives me every time I read or see or lis­ten to some­thing that IS art.

Art is a broad notion. As broad as love, this is a syn­onym for art. It is every­where; it is wait­ing to be rec­og­nized. It is the beau­ty of the morn­ing, the beau­ty of the dawn before that, Auro­ra, and before her, it is the beau­ty of that bor­der­line between sleep and real­iz­ing that you are awake. Those moments, and “those hours,” as Vir­ginia Wolf noticed it. None can take it away from us, except ourselves.

Final­ly, we are the ones who make deci­sion.  It is only up to me am I going to write a poem today or not. Or, as a great Ser­bian poet Laza Kos­tic put it, “only God and I know some­thing about it.”

A lot of us who have deserve it will maybe nev­er be rec­og­nized in our soci­ety, not by the peo­ple, but by the ones who “stand in front of the peo­ple.” Any­way, that is not the rea­son to give up! In my opin­ion, it is bet­ter to take it as a chal­lenge to dive deep­er and deep­er into your world, the world of art.


[To be con­tin­ued (…) ]
